We Stop Wage Garnishments for San Francisco Taxpayers

If the IRS is threatening your wages or assets, our San Francisco wage garnishment lawyers can stop wage garnishment immediately

San Francisco wage garnishment lawyers working to protect your livelihood

When that dreaded "Notice to Levy" letter comes in the mail, you have a very important choice to make. You can either sit back and let the IRS cripple your finances, or you can take action and pursue professional help to stop wage garnishment.  With the help of a professional wage garnishment lawyer, you will have a licensed professional working on your behalf to negotiate with the IRS to suspend any collections, and formulate a plan to settle your tax debt.

If you are a San Francisco taxpayer currently being garnished or facing the threat to garnish, we invite you to contact our firm today and we'll do our best to find a solution for you.  Our team of wage garnishment lawyers and enrolled agents have the ability to contact the appropriate IRS powers and put a stop to your collections immediately.  By equipping yourself with professional IRS representation, you are demonstrating to the IRS you are serious about settling your back taxes, and they will be more lenient in suspending your collections.

Stop wage garnishment San Francisco

Andrew Linke - Senior Tax Attorney

The Symptoms of Wage Garnishments and Levys

It's our duty to educate taxpayers on the nature of IRS collections, as there are many rumors circulating to scare folks.  First off, the IRS will never threaten a collection against you over the phone, or demand payment over the phone. If this ever happens to you,  it's a scam and you should hang up.  If the IRS decides to target you for a collection, you will get a series of letters in the mail for Intent to Levy (CP-297 & CP-90) giving you ample warning before a collection is exercised against you.  If you do not take action within 30 days of receiving your warning letter, then you are looking at a garnishment or levy being put into action.


Intent to Levy Notice: What To Do

After receiving an Intent to Levy notice in the mail, the absolute worst thing you can do is ignore it.  Many folks try and contact the IRS to get to the bottom of the issue themselves, in which most cases they hit a dead end.  To obtain all the details on your collection issue and increase your odds of stopping it, it's in your best interest to contact professional help We are available to speak with you today for a free consultation to discuss your options to stop wage garnishment, and construct a plan to settle your back tax debt for good.


How to Stop Wage Garnishment Once It Starts

So you are a San Francisco taxpayer already getting hit with collections, whether in the form of a wage garnishment or asset levy...what are your options?  The bottom line is, the IRS just wants what is owed to them, and your tax debt went unresolved for too long.  By hiring our team of wage garnishment lawyers today, we can contact the IRS immediately to communicate to them your intention to settle your tax debt.  Our professionals will pull all necessary transcripts and formulate a plan to settle your back tax debt, convincing the IRS to suspend your collections.  In many cases, we can negotiate a reduced tax liability as well.

Learn More About Your Options To Stop Wage Garnishment

Contact our office today to speak with our President, Tim Halcomb for a free consultation. We offer flat-rate pricing, 24-hour availability for clients, and superior customer service.

  (415) 653-0098


The Pure Tax Team